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Galagos | Euoticus, Galagoides, & Sciurocheirus


Southern Needle-clawed Galago | E. elegantulus

Northern Needle-clawed Galago | E. pallidus

Prince Demidoff's Galago | G. demidovii 

Thomas' Dwarf Galago | G. thomasi 

Cross River Bushbaby | S. cameronensis

Gabon's Bushbaby | S. gabonensis


Lorisids | Arctocebus & Perodicticus


Golden Angwantibo | A. aureus

Calabar Angwantibo | A. calabarensis

Milne-Edwards' Potto | P. edwardsi


Baboon | Papio


Olive Baboon | P. anubis


Drill & Mandrill | Mandrillus


Drill | M. leucophaeus

Mandrill | M. sphinx


Mangabeys | Cercocebus & Lophocebus


Agile Mangabey | C. agilis

Red-capped Mangabey | C. torquatus

Gray-cheeked Mangabey | L. albigena

Osman Hill's Mangabey | L. osmani


Talapoin | Miopithecus


Northern Talapoin | M. ogouensis


Guenons | Allochrocebus & Cercopithecus


Preuss' Monkey | A. preussi

Moustached Monkey | C. cephus 

Red-eared Monkey | C. erythrotis

Mona Monkey | C. mona

De Brazza's Monkey | C. neglectus

Greater Spot-nosed Monkey | C. nictitans

Crowned Monkey | C. pogonias


Colobus Monkeys | Colobus & Piliocolobus


Mantled Guereza | C. guereza

Black Colobus | C. satanas

Preuss's Red Colobus | P. preussi


Great Apes | Gorilla & Pan


Lowland Gorilla | G. gorilla

Common Chimpanzee | P. troglodytes



This site remains a work in progress. Links are in blue

Content by Andie Ang unless otherwise stated

All images are protected under copyright to their respective photographers

© 2014-2025 | Andie Ang


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